Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I seriously had some long post to blog about. Had it all in mind while I was taking a shower all the thoughts came flooding in. Now that I have the time to sit and blog bout it, My mind is totally blank....

So the previous one was just nothing much but blabbing. I so wanna make it up for the next one. I think it's seriously enough of raging for now.

Been away a couple of days at camp. So I thought I signed up for the wrong camp cos I had something else in mind. But I'm totally convinced now that I didnt accidentaly signed up for nothing. It was for a purpose that God had led me there. Physical rest I've not gained much but spiritual strength and food I've had so much that it's over flowing now.

Came back and did loads of pondering and thinking. I'm still thinking and trying to sort things out. It's totally a whole new journey now after commitments made up at the hill and making pit stops at the altar telling God that I cant handle it all by myself and rest my case upon His hands!

I knew I needed to hear what I heard and I should be doing something, making changes now.

Lord I wanna trully just follow you and trust in you fully!~ I'm not perfect...I can never be good enough..It's trully just by your G.R.A.C.E!! Love u!!


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